5 Reasons to Stuff Your Stockings with Surgical Steel Jewelry
Mama Vance has been hard at work finding you stocking stuffers that are affordable, beautiful and durable. She called it the trifecta for her Santa Shop this year. While there are a few pieces with base metal in her shop, she's been laser focused on finding higher quality metals like surgical steel and sterling silver because they are more durable and stay beautiful longer than their base metal counterparts. Here are 5 reasons why you should stuff your stockings with surgical steel jewelry this year!
- Surgical steel is resistant to corrosion, rust, oxidation and discoloration. This means that it beats base metal hands down.
- Surgical steel is hypoallergenic. This means that people with allergies and sensitivity to base metals (copper, brass, nickle, lead etc.) can wear this type of jewelry without worry!
- Surgical steel is easy to clean. All it takes is a little soap and water :) No fancy jewelry cleaners necessary - although we do recommend our care cloth for polishing. It's gentle on jewelry and tough on gunk.
- Surgical steel is much harder on the Mohs Scale than other popular metals used for jewelry such as palladium, platinum, sterling silver or gold. This means that it's much more difficult to scratch or dent it!
- Surgical steel is incredibly affordable! You can stuff your stockings (or fill your jewelry box) with good quality, beautiful jewelry for a fraction of the cost of gold or silver!
If you've read our founding story AND seen the $5 jewelry video craze on Facebook, you know what Mama Vance is trying to do here. She's trying to bring you Real Deal Pearls quality at you know who's prices - or as close to that balance as possible.